Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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“Believing lies places us in bondage. The truth has the power to set us free.”

This inspiring book full of Biblical truths was our women’s Bible Study book for this year. And it was a life altering experience.

Before starting this study, you may already live a life is founded in Biblical truth. Or you might be more like me, and assume that some things are true because you don’t hear anyone calling them out as lies. If something was so against God, I would be hearing about it, right?

Either way, I promise this book will be eye-opening.

What I learned was how sneakily Satan engages women in lies. DeMoss describes the progression from simply listening to a lie (having a career is my life’s purpose) to dwelling on that lie (lots of mothers have full time jobs, so it’s ok for me too, right?) to believing and acting on the lie (and then ultimately not feeling like your priorities are in order). Once we have believed and acted on it, changing our minds about it is pretty difficult. This is just one example of the many ways we have been deceived.

“When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

DeMoss compares our lives to the that of the first woman, Eve. Her struggles, her sins, her failings; they are not just hers. They are ours. And they all originate from the same place; Satan’s lies.

Lies like,

“God is not really good.”

“I’m not worth anything.”

“God can’t forgive what I’ve done.”

“A career outside the home is more valuable and fulfilling than being a wife and mother.”

“It’s up to us to determine the size of our family.”

“If my circumstances were different, I would be different.”

“It’s all about me.”

We hear these lies from our friends, from tv, our neighbors, at work or school, or in our own minds. Some seem so close to the truth that it is difficult to decipher what is Biblically true. We have come to accept the world’s truths and have forgotten or ignored the real truth. Thankfully, DeMoss provides the truth that counters each of these lies, supported by scripture and  relatable real life examples. Each section of lies ends with questions that help the reader identify areas of bondage in their own life and scripture verses to study that will reveal the Truth.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

As you can imagine, a book like this might spark quite the debate in your Bible study or book club. Some of these lies have become part of our identity and we don’t want to let them go. We argue for our rights, look to people, places, and things to give us the answer to what we are seeking, and justify our choices based on our circumstances. But if you have the guts to really study the Word of God, you will find that your circumstances are irrelevant and you have been deceived.

Freedom from the bondage of the lies in our lives comes from no other source but God.

This book has transformed my life radically. It has changed my thinking, my priorities, my views on parenting, and then some. I will be referring to it in the weeks to come as a reminder to always seek the truth.

To all of my fellow Truth seekers, I recommend this book!

The book can be found on Amazon

Or on the Revive our Hearts website to purchase this and other books by DeMoss and learn about her ministry.




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