50+ Easy Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him

Photo by Dương Hữu on Unsplash

My husband and I were married in August, and this year was our 14th wedding anniversary.

We forgot all about it.

Both of us.

For several days.

It wasn’t until 5 days after our anniversary had passed that, as I checked the calendar for something else, I realized that we had totally forgotten it. (Again!)

It’s so easy to get caught up in everything else – homeschooling, kids’ activities, housework, church and volunteer obligations – that I forget about the foundation of it all: my marriage. It’s the most important (earthly) relationship in my life, but I tend to put it last. I take it for granted that my husband knows how much I love and appreciate him. But how exactly would he know that? What do I do to show him how important he is to me and to our family? I remembered Father’s Day…does that count?

We both laughed about how we can’t seem to remember one of the best days of our lives. But taking each other for granted is a slippery slope. Little things, like forgetting a special day, can snowball. Taking a few minutes here and there to remind your husband of how much he means to you can be the difference between celebrating your next anniversary together…and not.

Why Do I Need to Make Him Feel Special?

I hope this post inspires you to take a fresh look at your relationship with your husband and ask yourself what you can do to show him how important he is to you. BUT, it can be tough to make that a priority, especially when you feel bored, resentful, or angry about the state of your marriage. It’s much easier to sit back and think about all of the nice things he should be doing for you, or all the reasons why he doesn’t deserve any special treatment. (I’ve spent my fair share of time doing both.) If your marriage hasn’t been great lately, planning how to make your husband feel good probably isn’t at the top of your to-do list.

However, it might be the only way your relationship is ever going to improve.

When things start to go wrong in a marriage, you realize that you don’t have much control over your husband or his behavior. You can’t make him talk about it. You can’t force him to change. The only thing you can do that might actually make a difference is to change your own behavior, then pray that he responds.

The crazy thing about treating your husband better is that it actually helps him become a better husband. As you start to use a few of these tips, take note of your husband’s behavior. When you remember to thank him for helping with something around the house, does he start to do it more often? When you’re more affectionate toward him, is he more affectionate toward you? As you begin to show him how much you love and respect him, he’ll probably work harder to be the kind of man who deserves your love and respect.

ways to show your husband you love him
Photo by BETZY AROSEMENA on Unsplash

What Happens When You Focus on the Positive?

Another consequence of acting more loving toward your husband is that you actually start to feel more loving toward your husband. When you tell him how important he is to your family, you start to realize how important he really is to your family. What you say and do has a real impact on how you think and feel.

Start Small

There is NO downside to trying the ideas on this list. Especially if you don’t particularly want to make your husband feel good. If you want to keep a struggling marriage from ending in divorce, you have to be willing to take the first step toward reconciliation. And, if your marriage is great, these ideas will help to keep it that way.

Do something small – tiny, even – to make your husband feel good. Buy the kind of coffee he likes. Clean a pair of his shoes. Get a picture of both of you framed and hang it up. Something tiny can be enough to get both of you focused on what you love about each other, instead of what you don’t.

Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him With Food

Make his favorite dessert or snack.
Pack him a lunch for work with a loving (or at least friendly) note inside.
Get up early and make a big breakfast for the two of you to share.
Buy his favorite candy bar and surprise him with it.
Plan a date at his favorite restaurant, or order carry out for just the two of you.
Make a dinner that reminds both of you of a special meal you’ve shared, or a special time in your life.
When he’s busy working outside, bring him a drink and a snack.
Schedule a whole week of meals that you know he loves.
Ask him what food he’s in the mood for, then make it.
Stock the fridge with his favorite beverage.
Dress up for dinner, even if you’re staying home.

Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him With Your Mad Homemaking Skills

Clean up a mess that he’s been complaining about.
Get his favorite suit or coat dry-cleaned.
Iron his work or church clothes this week.
Clean his favorite pair of shoes.
Frame and hang up a picture of the two of you.
Buy or pick fresh flowers and put them in a vase on the dinner table.
Organize his closet (unless that would drive him crazy).
Spruce up your bed with a new comforter, pillows, and/or sheets.
Clean out the car.
Learn how to give him a haircut. Then, give him a haircut.
Start folding and putting away his laundry, if you don’t already.

Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him with (Free!) Gifts

Give him a card. Silly, romantic…something that says what you might not be able to say out loud.
Write a note about what you love about him (one thing or many) and put it somewhere he’ll unexpectedly find it.
Text him occasionally just to say something sweet, or to share a photo of the two of you.
The next time he says something you think is wrong or stupid, smile and say nothing.
Pick something that you usually bug him about and decide that you’re not going to bring it up again. Ever.
Let him use the best coffee mug.
Start wearing a piece of jewelry he bought you that you haven’t worn in a while.
Play his favorite album.
Let him pick which show you watch.
Wear his favorite pajamas.
Look through your wedding album together.
Tell him a story from when you first met or were first dating.
Tell someone else how great he is. If he’s within earshot, all the better.
Pray for him.
Pray with him.
Apologize for something that you need to apologize for.
Figure out a day when you can go to church together – just the two of you.
Ask him what his goals are for the next 10 years.
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him Physically

I feel weird going into detail here, but suffice it to say: your husband will appreciate ANYTHING you do to show him love in a physical way. Even if you just sit close to him on the couch.

Find a way, every day, several times a day, to physically touch him.
Get in the habit of kissing him when he leaves the house or comes home.
Keep the TV and phones out of your bedroom.
Hold hands when you’re out in public.
Give him a back rub.
Ask him to give you a back rub.
Wear a nightgown to bed instead of sweatpants.
Start going to bed at the same time.
Start going to be earlier.
Tell him how great he looks and how attracted you are to him.

Other Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him

Buy his favorite cologne, body wash, deodorant, and hair products and put them in the bathroom for him to discover.
Buy him all new underwear.
Buy the perfume he likes and start wearing it again.
Plan a one-night hotel stay for the two of you.
Create a photo album from family pictures that you haven’t printed or organized yet. Look through it together.
Buy him something related to his favorite hobby.
Buy him something related to his patron or favorite saint.
Plan a boys’ night where he can spend time with any of the special men in his life (maybe his sons, his dad or father-in-law, or his friends).
Register him for a men’s conference or retreat.
Register the two of you for a couples’ conference or retreat.
Get something broken of his repaired.
Get tickets for the two of you to a concert or live event you know he’ll like.

How do you let your husband know that you love him? Tell us in the comments!

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